Alt-Gov patches shipping update and donation made!

Hello Nakatomi peoples! As of this writing, the majority of all the Alt-gov patches and patch-sets have shipped out- all the Alt-Mt. Rainier shirts went out last week! If you don’t have them in hand yet, look for them soon! AND- if you do have them in hand, let’s see pics of you all wearing them- We’re definitely curious to see where they end up!

If you missed out, we have a TINY amount of each patch design left on our store page HERE. Get ’em before they’re gone!

With your help, we were able to raise $11,568 for the Government Accountability Project! The check is cut, and on it’s way to the fine people at! Make sure you pop over to their site and kick in an extra donation if you can!

Keep your eyes on NAKATOMI- we’ll have more fundraisers coming along in the future, working in conjunction with the great people at at @RogueNASA, @Alt_FDA, @AltDIA,  @BadHombreNPS , and @AltMtRainier!

PS- remember to VOTE IN NOVEMBER!

Thank you all!

-alex fugazi